103:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT TWO 22. 19 CONTINUED: EZRI Funny you should mention dreams. Ever since my conversation with Kor, I've been having the most intense dreams about him. KIRA Like what? QUARK approaches them with a new round of drinks. EZRI Being on a Klingon bridge together... going off into battle... drinking bloodwine -- which still makes me gag, by the way... singing songs... (beat) Part of me wishes that I was out there with him now... Quark is about to leave, but stops when he hears this -- he thinks she's talking about Worf and he can't believe it. EZRI I hope he's all right. I mean, I know I'm sort of contradicting what I just said about trying to set myself apart from my previous hosts, but... the memories I have of being with him are so vivid... I can't bear the thought of losing him. I'd give almost anything for one more chance for the two of us to be together again... side by side... just like it used to be. Quark is staring at her now and Kira notices. KIRA Do you need something? QUARK No. Nothing. He heads off with a stunned look on his face. EZRI So what's your professional opinion?