14:[2,#b],68:[1,#b],161:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT TWO 21. ACT TWO FADE IN: 19 INT. QUARK'S KIRA and Ezri are having drinks at a table. KIRA So what did Kor say when he met you? EZRI The usual. I have the same conversation over and over again. Everyone's shocked at first, then they immediately start scanning my face for signs of the person they knew as Dax. "I don't believe it. Is it really you? Oh, I see a little Jadzia in your eyes... a little Curzon in your smile." KIRA Isn't there always a period of adjustment that joined Trills have to go through... when people are comparing them to previous hosts? I'm sure it'll pass. EZRI (sighs) You're right. The last five Dax hosts went through this. (beat) That wasn't bad. You'd make a pretty good counselor. Want to trade jobs? KIRA Oh, people would love bringing their problems to me. "You dreamed about what? You're crazy. Now, get out of my office! Next patient!"