161:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT ONE 12. 10 CONTINUED: MARTOK (to Darok) Make a note of that for Chief O'Brien. He should give the Ch'Tang first priority. Darok nods and works a PADD. Martok waves Worf over. MARTOK (to Worf) Quick -- speak to me now before Darok buries me in another blizzard of paperwork. Worf looks around, this isn't exactly where he wanted to have this conversation, but he has to take the opportunity while he has it. WORF (quiet) I wish to speak with you about Kor. I know that you have strong feelings about this but-- MARTOK (to others, a roar) CLEAR THE BRIDGE! The other Klingons are startled, but they quickly EXIT, leaving the two men alone. MARTOK (tight) I did not expect to hear anything further on this subject from you. WORF (not giving an inch) And I did not expect to be forbidden to speak with you on any subject. Have I become a mere shuVak (servant) to be ordered about like Darok? MARTOK Of course not! (beat, then reluctant)