77:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chrysalis" - REV. 09/16/98 - ACT FIVE 63. E54B CONTINUED: He strokes her face, and his touch breaks through to her -- she chokes back a sob, tries to understand the emotions welling up inside her. SARINA I don't know... This knocks the wind from Bashir's lungs... he listens, stricken. SARINA (anguished) I don't even understand what love is... Sarina doesn't understand what she's feeling and it scares her. SARINA I don't understand anything... Bashir sees the depth of her confusion, senses the panic rising inside her -- pushing aside his own feelings, he moves to comfort her. BASHIR Sarina... SARINA (pleading with him) What am I supposed to do... what am I supposed to feel... ? Tell me. I want to make you happy. I owe you everything. Her words pierce his heart -- the terrible realization comes over him that he's pulled Sarina into his fantasy, not realizing that she's going along with it because she doesn't know what else to do, because she feels she owes it to him. BASHIR (holding her close) No... you don't owe me anything... SARINA (hating herself for her failure) I'm sorry... I wish I could be the woman you want me to be... Off Bashir's face as he holds her close... 54B OMITTED