DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chrysalis" - REV. 09/16/98 - ACT FIVE 62C. D54B CONTINUED: LAUREN We don't know. JACK But it has something to do with you. This possibility hits Bashir in the gut. BASHIR Stay here. I'm going to go talk to her. Off this moment... E54B INT. CARGO BAY CLOSE on Sarina, sitting in a chair, her eyes staring vacantly. ADJUST to REVEAL Bashir, crouching in front of her. BASHIR Sarina, please... talk to me. I know you can. Her silence tears at his heart. BASHIR What's wrong? Tell me. Don't be afraid. Is it me? Because if it is, I'll do whatever it takes to make it right. Nothing. BASHIR (anguished) I love you. I want us to be together. Still nothing. Bashir is beginning to think Patrick was wrong about Sarina, until a single TEAR spills from her eye and falls down her cheek. BASHIR (needing to hear it) Sarina, do you love me... ?