DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chrysalis" - REV. 09/16/98 - ACT FOUR 58-58A. 50B EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 50C OMITTED 50D INT. BASHIR'S QUARTERS where Bashir is checking over the table he's set for two -- he's has two tall, thin CANDLES, a bottle of CHILLED CHAMPAGNE, and even a ROSE in a bud VASE. BASHIR Computer, music. Something... romantic. A gentle CLASSICAL piece begins to play softly. Bashir sits at the table, expecting Sarina any minute. TIME CUT TO: Bashir has blown out the candles and moved to his COMPUTER console to find out why Sarina hasn't shown up. COMPUTER VOICE Sarina Douglas is presently in her quarters on Level Twelve. A moment as he takes this in, then he heads for the door to find her. 51 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR as Bashir approaches Sarina's door and rings the bell. Nothing. BASHIR (into the panel) Sarina, it's me. Still nothing. He frowns, decides to go in anyway. BASHIR Computer, override door locks. Authorization Bashir Delta-Five- Seven-Alpha. A series of BEEPS, and the door slides OPEN.