DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chrysalis" - REV. 09/16/98 - ACT FOUR 57A. 47 CONTINUED: (3) SARINA (stepping over) Julian, would you mind if we left? Off Bashir's realization that she's not having a good time... 47A INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR as Bashir walks Sarina back to her quarters. BASHIR I'm sorry. I thought you were having a good time. SARINA I was. But there was so much commotion. Maybe I'm just tired. BASHIR (stopping at her door) Tell you what, tomorrow night we'll have a nice quiet dinner in my quarters. She nods that she'd like that, but there's a tinge of hesitation in her features. Things between them are moving so fast, and Sarina's having trouble keeping up. While she's flattered by Bashir's attention and welcomes it, it's a lot for her to handle, and she doesn't really know how to say so. BASHIR I've got a week's leave coming up. I thought we could go to Risa together -- get away from all the distractions around here and have some time alone. Sarina has no way of knowing if this is what she wants, but since it's what he wants, she accepts it as a matter of course. SARINA All right. Bashir smiles, takes her hand. BASHIR Well, I'll let you get some rest.