DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chrysalis" - REV. 09/16/98 - ACT TWO 31. 29 CONTINUED: SARINA I couldn't sleep. Bashir can't help but smile at her casual acceptance of her genetically engineered abilities. Even so, he can see that Sarina came here for a reason, and though she's putting up a brave front, something's scaring her. BASHIR The nurse would've given you something. Bashir settles onto the couch next to her. SARINA (shaking her head) I don't want to sleep... BASHIR (gently) Why not? SARINA What if... I wake up the way I was? The prospect terrifies her, and Bashir puts an arm around her to comfort her. BASHIR (softly) That's not going to happen. She rests her head on his shoulder, taking comfort in his words. BASHIR That part of your life is over. From now on, everything's going to be different. Your future is full of possibilities.