DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chrysalis" - REV. 09/16/98 - ACT TWO 28-29. 26 thru OMITTED 27 28 INT. QUARK'S Bashir is enthusing to O'Brien about what's happened. In all the excitement, Bashir forgot they were supposed to get together tonight. Morn is sitting a few stools down from them. BASHIR It was amazing. Within a few minutes, Sarina's voice just took off. That kind of improvement usually takes weeks of speech therapy. O'BRIEN (subdued) That is amazing, Julian... BASHIR (missing his tone) I took her back to the Infirmary. She was exhausted, and I want to monitor her neural activity while she sleeps. (shaking his head) I still can't get over the transformation. Yesterday, she was silent as a stone. Today, she's laughing and singing. You should've seen her, Miles. O'BRIEN How could I? I've been sitting here all night. BASHIR (realizing) Is it Thursday? O'BRIEN Why I else would I be sitting here all night? BASHIR I'm sorry. I forgot. O'BRIEN It's all right. (gesturing to Morn)