116:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chrysalis" - REV. 09/16/98 - ACT ONE 18. 18 CONTINUED: BASHIR How am I supposed to know you understand me if you don't give me some sign... anything... it doesn't matter how small... Nothing. Off Bashir as he finally accepts that the operation has been a failure... 19 INT. QUARK'S where a disappointed Bashir is talking with EZRI. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. BASHIR It's been five days, and she's as unresponsive as she was before the procedure. EZRI I know you're disappointed, Julian, but you did everything you could. BASHIR (sharp) Well it wasn't enough. EZRI I'm sorry. Obviously you want to punish yourself. Do you want help? I'm really good at punishing myself. (considers) Let's see. If I were you, I'd be kicking myself for making promises I couldn't keep. For getting everyone's hopes up. For being arrogant enough to think that I could help Sarina when dozens of other doctors have failed. Should I keep going? BASHIR (rueful smile) No, that pretty much covers it. Thanks. EZRI (shrugs) Glad I could help.