DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chrysalis" - REV. 09/16/98 - ACT ONE 17. 15 INT. CARGO BAY The group sitting around in a silent tableau, waiting for news... DISSOLVE TO: 16 INT. SURGERY Bashir finishing the operation and looking down at Sarina with guarded hope... DISSOLVE TO: 16A SARINA in a recovery bed, staring vacantly at the ceiling. Bashir, back in uniform, sits vigil over her... DISSOLVE TO: 17 INT. CARGO BAY where Bashir has just told the group the news that Sarina doesn't seem to be any better. We can see in their faces how disappointed and saddened they are. DISSOLVE TO: 18 INT. SURGERY as Bashir ENTERS to relieve the Nurse at Sarina's side. Sarina's sitting in bed, her eyes staring up expressionlessly toward the ceiling. BASHIR Anything? The Nurse shakes her head grimly, moves away. Bashir settles onto the stool by Sarina's bed... BASHIR Sarina? No reaction.