78:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chrysalis" - REV. 09/16/98 - ACT ONE 10. 5 CONTINUED: (4) Sisko escorts him to the door. SISKO And one more thing... get them out of those uniforms. 6 INT. CARGO BAY The room has been set up like a group dormitory, as in "Statistical Probabilities." Lauren is sitting with Sarina, tenderly BRUSHING her hair. LAUREN There. Don't you look pretty? Jack is helping Patrick move furniture -- he's trying to put everything in exactly the same place as last time. They're struggling with the COUCH, and Jack's starting to lose patience with Patrick's project. JACK (setting it down) Here? PATRICK A little to the left. JACK What difference does it make? PATRICK (pleading) This isn't where it was last time. LAUREN He's right. JACK Fine. (moving the couch an inch) How's that? PATRICK (eyeing the room) Much better. The door OPENS and Bashir ENTERS.