183:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chrysalis" - REV. 09/16/98 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: (2) NOG'S COM VOICE He wants to see you immediately, sir. BASHIR On my way. 3 INT. PROMENADE where a worried NOG is standing some paces from the Infirmary door, anxiously waiting for Bashir. The Promenade is quiet at this hour -- the doors to Quark's are being closed and MORN is walking away. When Nog sees Bashir -- now in uniform -- approaching, he hurries to join him. BASHIR What's going on? NOG (falling in with Bashir) Admiral Patrick and his staff just arrived on the Farragut. BASHIR What happened with Doctor Girani? NOG The admiral said she was asking too many stupid questions. Bashir frowns, and they cross into -- 4 INT. INFIRMARY Two uniformed Starfleet officers -- a man and a woman -- are standing inside the Infirmary with their backs to the door, huddled in conference with the unseen admiral. Bashir can't quite keep the edge of annoyance from his voice. BASHIR Doctor Bashir reporting as ordered. The admiral's VOICE BOOMS out a reply -- VOICE Finally.