DEEP SPACE-NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FIVE 57. 118 SISKO who suddenly finds himself surrounded by a CHEERING CROWD. 119 OMITTED 120 NOG standing on third, tries to look hopeful. NOG Come on, Dad... you can do it. (to himself) I hope. 121 ROM steps tentatively into the box. The first pitch -- right over the plate. Rom doesn't swing. ODO Strike! Rom swallows hard, tries to calm himself. Nog is taking a sizable lead... the pitcher keeps a wary eye on him... O'Brien and the Niners call out encouragement... Rom takes a mighty swing at the next pitch... ODO Strike two! Rom steps out of the box for a moment, tries to relax. He looks over to his wife -- she's cheering him on. He looks to his son -- he's cheering him on. Rom takes a deep breath. 122 O'BRIEN suddenly remembers something. O'BRIEN Julian -- what was that thing called when you just... tap the ball down the baseline? You know -- a, uh... BASHIR A bunt?