108:[2,#b],144:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT FOUR 44. 82 KIRA has hit a solid shot far into left field. She rounds first and heads for second. 83 THE NINERS Cheer. NINERS Yeah! Way to go, Kira! All right! etc. SISKO It's about time! Kira slides into second, and the Vulcan Woman she went toe to toe with early misses the tag -- she's safe. Kira gets to her feet, spits out some dirt and gives the Vulcan woman a cool look of victory. 83A WORF steps up to the plate and settles in. -- Swing and a miss. ODO Strike one. Quick cuts: -- outside, ball one. -- Low, ball two. -- Foul tip, strike two. -- Inside, ball three. Worf steps out of the box for a second, tries to concentrate. 84 THE SCOREBOARD Emphasizing the full count. (Bottom of the 5th. Two outs. Logicians 7 runs, 10 hits, 0 errors. Niners 0 runs, 3 hits, 3 errors.)