115:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT TWO 21. 20 ROM sees the ball. ROM I got it! I got it! I got it! He stands in place, holds his glove up over his head and waits. The ball drops to the ground a good twenty feet behind him. 21 SISKO & NOG react. SISKO How many is that? NOG (reluctant) Today? I think he's missed... ten. SISKO (disgusted) Ten. 22 ROM tries to throw the ball to Kira... but it only makes it halfway to her. Rom runs to pick up the ball and throws it again... then has to run to pick it up and throw it again. 23 SISKO Can barely stand to watch this fiasco. SISKO (to all) Batting practice! CUT TO: