71:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE-NINE: "Take Me Out... " - REV. 08/20/98 - ACT TWO 19. 17 CONTINUED: SISKO Welcome home. KASIDY Music to my ears... Sisko takes her in his arms and they embrace. KASIDY Does this mean you missed me? SISKO Like a piece of my heart was missing. She notes the flowers. KASIDY Sweet words and flowers too? Are you feeling all right? SISKO Now that you're back, I feel outstanding. KASIDY I could get used to this. SISKO You should. Are you going to be here long? KASIDY As a matter of fact, my next three cargo runs have been reassigned. SISKO (innocent) Really? KASIDY (shrugs) Bureaucrats. Who knows why they do anything? SISKO Who knows? They begin walking down the Corridor.