DEEP SPACE NINE: "Afterimage" - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 59. 45 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I hope Captain Raymer knows how lucky she is. She's getting a hell of a counselor. Off the moment between them... 46 INT. GUEST QUARTERS where Ezri is packing her SUITCASE. A CHIME at the door. EZRI Yes. To her surprise, the door OPENS to reveal Worf. Neither of them knows quite what to say. WORF May I come in? EZRI Of course. Worf ENTERS, and we can see that coming here has made him very uncomfortable. WORF I understand that you are leaving in the morning. EZRI That's right. WORF (with difficulty) I am not certain that I have treated you the way Jadzia would've wanted me to. EZRI You'll get no argument from me there.