DEEP SPACE NINE: "Afterimage" - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 58. 40C CONTINUED: (2) GARAK I'm sure the captain will be glad to hear that, too. EZRI (remembering) My resignation -- CUT TO: 41 thru OMITTED 44 45 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE where Ezri is once again standing in front of Sisko's desk -- a mirror image of scene 37B. SISKO (re: the PADD in his hand) Now what? EZRI It's my request to be reinstated into Starfleet. SISKO I can't send this to Starfleet Command. EZRI Why not? SISKO Because I never sent in your resignation. EZRI (smiles) I had a feeling you didn't mean all those things you said to me. You were just trying to rattle my cage. SISKO You've done it to me often enough. I'm glad it worked.