DEEP SPACE NINE: "Afterimage" - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 55. 40A CONTINUED: (2) GARAK Of course I'm all right. That's very good news about Kalandra. Ezri is starting to realize that she's stumbled onto something here -- a key to what's been troubling Garak. EZRI Let's just hope it goes well. The Cardassians will put up a strong fight. GARAK Indeed they will. But in the end, they'll lose. EZRI How can you be so sure? GARAK Because they won't be expecting an attack. (bitter) They have no idea I broke their code. He dabs at the sheen of SWEAT on his forehead, trying to cover his condition. GARAK (more to himself) All those Cardassians are going to die... because of me... EZRI I suppose that's one way to look at it. Garak starts to pace, trying to fight back the claustrophobic panic he's feeling. GARAK What other way is there? EZRI That by helping to end the war, you're saving lives. GARAK Who will I be saving -- Humans, Klingons, Romulans? EZRI And Cardassians.