12:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Afterimage" - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 30 OMITTED 30A EXT. HOLOSUITE CLIFF - DAY (OPTICAL) Ezri and Garak are sitting on a LEDGE overlooking an alien OCEAN. A slight BREEZE whips up occasionally around them; we can hear the distant SOUND of waves crashing against the shore. She's brought him here to calm him down, and while he's no longer panicked, he's still shaken from his experience. When we cut in, she's leading him through some breathing exercises. EZRI (inhaling) Breathe in... He takes a deep breath... EZRI (exhaling) And out. (repeating the process) In... and out. (a beat) Better? He nods slightly, but we can see that he's still rattled. EZRI (trying to get him to take in the view) Beautiful, isn't it? Look at that sky. It just goes on and on. GARAK No, it doesn't. It's an illusion. There's a holosuite wall not ten meters in front of us. EZRI But you can't see it.