DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FIVE 63. 141 CONTINUED: SISKO I'll tell you about it... someday. 142 OMITTED 143 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 144 OMITTED 144A INT. PROMENADE Sisko, Ezri and Jake step out of the airlock to be met by a throng of celebrating BAJORANS. The crowd swarms around the Emissary, enveloping him in a wave of affection. AD HOC greetings: "Emissary!" "Welcome home," "Thank you, Emissary," "Thank you," "Walk with the Prophets, Emissary," "Bless you, Emissary," "You gave us back the Orbs." These shouts continue throughout the scene -- 144B NEW ANGLE to include Kira, Worf, Quark, O'Brien, Bashir and Odo in another part of the crowd, waiting for Sisko's approach. Sisko tries to stop in front of them. WORF Welcome back, captain. O'BRIEN We've missed you, sir. KIRA Thank you -- I knew you'd bring the Prophets back to us. SISKO I hear you've all been pretty busy yourselves. But before they can answer him, Sisko is swept away by the crowd.