DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT FOUR 46 77 CONTINUED: ROSS You still think she's going to back down? CRETAK She has to... because I'm not. And off this tense moment -- 78 EXT. SPACE - MONAC'S SUN (OPTICAL) Looking large and molten. 79 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Worf, Martok, O'Brien, Bashir and the Klingon crew are all focused on the viewscreen displaying the sun's image. They all look hot and sweaty. Quark is busy toweling off the sweat from his brow. QUARK (more to himself) Take me out of the oven, Moogie. I'm cooked. O'BRIEN (to Martok) General, I've found it -- a magnetic instability near the sun's equator. BASHIR Excellent. Let's trigger the solar eruption, and get out of here. O'BRIEN It's not that simple. We have to make sure that the eruption has the right trajectory to destroy the shipyard. MARTOK And how do we do that? But Worf doesn't see this as a problem -- in fact, he's looking forward to it. WORF We have to get closer. Much closer.