DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT ONE 14. 14 CONTINUED: VOICE (O.S.) Doctor Wykoff, to Isolation Ward Four. Immediately. SISKO Did you hear that? EZRI Hear what? It's clear nobody but Sisko heard the voice. SISKO Forget it. And as they prepare to beam down to Tyree -- 15 EXT. THE DESERT OF TYREE - DAY (OPTICAL) (LOCATION) As Sisko, Ezri, Jake and Joseph MATERIALIZE. The team should be wearing some kind of lightweight poncho with a hood for protection from the beating sun. But even with the protection, they're hot. EZRI (looking at a tricorder) If there's an Orb buried around here, my tricorder's not picking it up. SISKO It's out there someplace... I know it. That's why the Prophets sent me here... Ezri shuts the tricorder and puts it back in her pack. EZRI Did they give you any hint which way we should go?