DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT ONE 13. 11 CONTINUED: (4) And with that, the Admiral EXITS. WE HOLD on a thoughtful Kira for a long beat. 12 EXT. SPACE - TYREE (OPTICAL) The Runabout in orbit around a harsh, desert planet. 13 INT. RUNABOUT Sisko and Ezri work the control panels. Joseph and Jake are seated in the back. SISKO We've entered orbit. Prepare to beam down. JAKE Why can't we use the ship's scanners to find the Orb? EZRI There's too much ionization in the atmosphere. It'll interfere with our sensors. SISKO (to Joseph) You sure you don't want to stay here and wait for us? JOSEPH And miss all the excitement? Not a chance. SISKO All right. But make sure you're carrying plenty of water packs. (to Ezri and Jake) That goes for you, too. It's dry down there...