14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shadows and... " - REV. 08/11/98 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 3 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) To see a Klingon Bird of Prey docked at the station. 4 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE The lights are even lower than usual. A solemn O'BRIEN and BASHIR stand alongside GENERAL MARTOK and the KLINGON BRIDGE CREW. All eyes are on WORF, ceremoniously standing before a makeshift altar, flanked by large votive candles. WORF (in Klingon) Jadzia Dax Vond Shoo-vwee Dun Mahh- kekh Huh-Koo-Vahm Jeh Yin-Moj Mah- Mukh. Sto-vo-kor Pah-Dahkh-tin Baht- leh el-eegh-cha yay-moj. (We dedicate this mission and our lives to the memory of a great warrior, Jadzia Dax. Through our victory, she will enter the sacred halls of Sto-vo-kor.) Worf unsheathes a long d'k tahg. The other Klingons do the same. And after a moment's hesitation, O'Brien and Bashir each pick up a blade that has been set before them. 5 ANGLE ON THE DOOR to see QUARK ENTER, carrying a travel bag. QUARK Quark, son of Keldar, reporting for -- Quark hesitates as he sees everyone staring at him, holding knives. QUARK Did I come at a bad time? O'BRIEN What are you doing here, Quark? QUARK Same thing you are. I'm volunteering for this mission.