78:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Image in... " - REV. 07/27/98 - ACT THREE 35. 47 CONTINUED: QUARK (impatient) Yeah, yeah. But what did you and Worf talk about? BASHIR Why do you care? QUARK Because some day, that crazy Klingon may get tired of smashing up a holosuite bar and decide to come down here and smash up a real one. Bashir nods, forced to that admit there's something to what Quark's thinking. BASHIR (to O'Brien) So what did you talk about? O'BRIEN A lot of things. His son, Alexander... growing up in Russia... the proper way to eat gagh... QUARK What does any of that have to do with Jadzia? O'BRIEN Nothing. It wasn't until around oh-four hundred, when we were polishing off a third bottle of bloodwine that we got around to Jadzia. (to Quark, re: raktajino) You know, this could be sweeter. BASHIR Miles! What did he say about her? O'BRIEN She's not in Sto-vo-kor.