121:[1,#b],128:[1,#b],140:[1,#b],154:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sound... " - REV. 4/14/98 - ACT FOUR 49. 27 INT. CARGO BAY Quark is OPENING a CONTAINER as Jake looks on. The container is filled with CRYSTALS. QUARK (depressed) Beautiful aren't they? JAKE Gorgeous. He reaches in to touch one and Quark slaps his hand away. QUARK Do you know how much I was going to get for these? Jake shakes his head. QUARK Almost... two hundred bars. JAKE That's a lot. QUARK No kidding it's a lot. Now it's just a crate full of junk. JAKE You still have another day. Things might work out. QUARK They might. But they won't. That's the way my life is. Do you know how much latinum I almost made in the last year? I almost made a fortune by overcharging Weyoun during the Dominion occupation. I almost made a fortune by helping the Grand Nagus regain his throne. And I almost found a thousand bricks of gold- pressed latinum, before I realized it was in Morn's stomach.