DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sound... " - REV. 4/14/98 - ACT FOUR 46. 25 CONTINUED: (2) Sisko makes up his mind. SISKO Use the phaser reserve, Chief. Give us all the speed you can. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. Thank you, sir. O'Brien and Bashir quickly EXIT. Worf goes back to the Tactical console. Sisko moves to the command chair just as Kasidy ENTERS. KASIDY How's it going? Sisko tenses up just at the sight of her. SISKO (tense) We're... increasing speed. The captain's condition is worsening. KASIDY I see. Is there anything I can do? SISKO I don't think so. Kasidy nods. There's an uncomfortable silence in the air between them. Sisko clearly doesn't want her here right now and she can pick up on it. KASIDY Well. I guess I'll see you later. SISKO Right. KASIDY Right. She EXITS. OFF Sisko's troubled expression... CUT TO: