DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sound... " - REV. 4/14/98 - TEASER 7. 4 CONTINUED: (3) WORF'S COM VOICE Bridge to Captain Sisko. SISKO (to com) Sisko here. WORF'S COM VOICE Sir, can you come to the bridge? We've picked up a distress call. Sisko reacts -- this is the last thing he wants to deal with. At his own table, Bashir reacts with resignation and fatigue. SISKO (reluctant) On my way. He gets up and heads for the EXIT. CUT TO: 5 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE O'BRIEN is sitting at a console, looking at some technical information as WORF looks on. Sisko ENTERS and goes to them. WORF We've been unable to establish two- way communication so far, but we have determined that the signal is coming from somewhere in the Rutharian Sector. SISKO Let's hear it. O'Brien hits a control and we hear the voice of CAPTAIN LISA CUSAK. There's some STATIC and FRITZING on the com channel.