DEEP SPACE NINE: "Time's Orphan" - REV. 4/15/98 - ACT FIVE 56. 86 CONTINUED: She's been down here over a day. It takes her a second to realize she's no longer alone. As Molly-18 crouches down to study the face of this little girl, we can see the memories start coming back to her. She was once this same scared child, huddling alone in the dark. MOLLY-18 Molly... ? Little Molly reacts to the fact that this stranger knows her name. Molly-18 notices the BRACELET on little Molly's wrist. She reaches out and gently touches it. MOLLY-18 (sure of it) Molly. Molly-18 stares at her younger self as the memories come back to her. LITTLE MOLLY I want my mommy and daddy... Molly-18 turns and points to the vortex, to where she knows Mommy and Daddy are. MOLLY-18 There. Little Molly looks at the vortex, and we can see that she's scared of it... 87 INT. CAVE - PRESENT - NIGHT (OPTICAL) The O'Briens are staring at the vortex. As its light plays on their faces, O'Brien moves to his TOOLKIT and removes a PHASER. O'BRIEN You'd better take cover... 88 INT. CAVE - PAST - DAY (OPTICAL) Little Molly stands reluctantly in front of the VORTEX, afraid to go through.