DEEP SPACE NINE: "Time's Orphan" - REV. 4/15/98 - ACT FIVE 55. 84 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (to Molly) Go on, honey. Molly looks at her parents a last time. MOLLY-18 (softly) Molly loves you. The O'Briens hold each other close, and watch as Molly turns and steps into the portal, DISAPPEARING into the VORTEX. CUT TO: 85 INT. CAVE - PAST - DAY (OPTICAL) The portal is TILTED on its side as it was when we first found it. A shaft of SUNLIGHT pierces the cave from the opening above. O'Brien, Keiko, and the equipment they had with them are all gone. The SOUND of a NEARBY STREAM lets us know that in this time period a small brook flows through the cave. The stalactites are SLICK WITH MOISTURE, and the walls GREEN WITH MOSS. The fallen beam is back where we first saw it, laying atop some dusty equipment. The console is OFF. Molly emerges from the VORTEX in a crouch, the bag slung over her shoulder. She looks around the room, visibly relieved to be back in her own environment. She reaches her hand out to the shaft of sunlight and watches as it glistens on her fingers, then tilts her head back to follow the beam to its source at the mouth of the cave. MOLLY-18 (smiles) Home. With practiced skill, she starts to climb toward the light, but her ascent is halted by a SOFT WHIMPERING. Molly-18 cocks her head to listen. She drops back to the floor and moves toward the sound, which seems to be coming from behind a BOULDER. She moves to it and sees -- 86 YOUNG MOLLY cowering there. The eight-year-old Molly is a pathetic sight. Her CLOTHING'S TORN, her hair a mess. Her face and arms are SCRATCHED and DIRTY.