DEEP SPACE NINE: "Time's Orphan" - REV. 4/15/98 - ACT FIVE 53. 81 O'BRIEN He completes his adjustments -- the CONSOLE LIGHTS UP and HUMS to life. Satisfied it's operating properly, he turns and sees -- 82 KEIKO AND MOLLY His daughter sitting contentedly as Keiko brushes her hair. His wife's eyes are moist with tears. He approaches, wishing he didn't have to break up the moment. O'BRIEN Everything's ready to go. I recalibrated the temporal field generator. We should be able to put her back at the same point in time that we took her out. Keiko does her best to accept what they're about to do. O'Brien touches her cheek, turns to Molly. O'BRIEN Molly, honey... I want to show you something. She follows O'Brien over to the console. He fights to control his emotions as he works the controls.