13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Time's Orphan" - REV. 4/15/98 - ACT FIVE 51. ACT FIVE FADE IN: INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR - LATER Odo has now joined the group, and the Security Officer is explaining what happened. Keiko and O'Brien, still supporting the groggy Molly, listen apprehensively. The airlock door is now CLOSED. SECURITY OFFICER -- they were trying to steal a runabout. Odo eyes the O'Briens for a beat, then turns to the Security Officer. ODO Find out if Deputy Pinar has regained consciousness. I'm going to need his statement. The Security Officer nods and moves off. O'BRIEN Odo, please. Let us go. KEIKO If you put Molly back in a holding cell, it could kill her. Odo studies their faces for a beat... ODO I'm disappointed in you, Chief. O'Brien's heart sinks as he realizes Odo is unmoved -- ODO If anyone could break a prisoner out of a holding cell and get them off the station, I'd've thought it would've been you. With that, he activates the control panel and the airlock door SLIDES OPEN. ODO On your way. The O'Briens react with surprised relief. Keiko kisses Odo on the cheek.