DEEP SPACE NINE: "Time's Orphan" - REV. 4/15/98 - ACT FOUR 47B. 71A CONTINUED: (2) DAX Where are you going? WORF I do not want to be here when he wakes up. DAX Worf -- WORF I'm sorry to have proven myself unworthy of you, Jadzia. And with that, he turns and EXITS. Off Dax's face as she realizes Worf is grappling with doubts and fears she never suspected he had... 72 INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS Keiko paces the room as O'Brien watches. KEIKO We've got to do something. We can't let them take her away. O'Brien has a plan, but he wants to protect his wife from the consequences. To do that, he must lie to her -- something he's never been good at. O'BRIEN (looks away) We don't have any choice. We're just going to have to hope Molly can adjust. Keiko stares at him in disbelief. KEIKO How can you say that? How can you just give up? O'Brien looks away as if he'd rather not discuss it. KEIKO (realizing) You're planning something. O'BRIEN What are you talking about? KEIKO I've known you a long time, Miles.