162:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Time's Orphan" - REV. 4/15/98 - ACT THREE 43. 65 MADRAT - MOLLY'S POV Surprised by the sight of Molly rushing toward him, he raises his arms to defend himself. 66 MOLLY She reads this as a hostile gesture and stabs him in the chest with the broken glass. As Madrat goes down clutching the jagged glass in his chest, Molly springs for the west staircase. 67 ODO as he gives the order to one of his Deputies. ODO On stun. 68 MOLLY (OPTICAL) She's just starting up the stairs when the Deputy STUNS her. She crumples to the floor. O'Brien and Keiko rush to her side. As Keiko cradles their unconscious daughter, O'Brien turns and sees -- 69 MADRAT lying on the floor, bleeding. ODO (taps combadge) Odo to Doctor Bashir, we have a Medical Emergency in Quark's. Off O'Brien's face as he realizes his daughter has seriously wounded someone and is in deep trouble... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE