DEEP SPACE NINE: "Time's Orphan" - REV. 4/15/98 - ACT THREE 38. 55 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN It's all right, Keiko. It's only natural. She lived there a long time. It's just going to take her a little while to realize this is home, too. MOLLY-18 (pleading) Molly, home. KEIKO We know, honey. But we can't go there right now. Molly angrily throws the picture down and moves away from them. O'BRIEN (an idea forming) Maybe we can... 56 EXT. HOLOSUITE MEADOW (OPTICAL) - DAY Molly lets out a cry of delight as she runs across the grassy field. She moves with animal grace and boundless energy. O'Brien and Keiko walk rapidly through the grass, trying to catch up. KEIKO Look at her, Miles. She's so happy. Molly drops to her knees, looks up at the sky. O'BRIEN She has no idea it's a holosuite. KEIKO It must be so confusing to her. One minute she's on a space station, the next she's running around outside.. Molly runs to a tree, touches it almost as if it were a long-lost friend. O'BRIEN There's no reason we can't bring her here for an hour or two every day. I'll talk to Quark about scheduling a regular time.