57:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Time's Orphan" - REV. 4/15/98 - ACT THREE 3S. 50 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Keiko? Did you hear that? MOLLY-18 Hoe-muh. Keiko approaches her. KEIKO Molly? What are you saying, sweetheart? She finally manage to form the word she means. MOLLY-18 Home. O'BRIEN Home? Molly nods anxiously, touches her chest. MOLLY-18 Maw-lee. KEIKO That's right. Molly. MOLLY-18 Maw-lee, home. O'BRIEN (realizing) You want us to take you home with us? Molly nods animatedly MOLLY-18 Dah-dee home Molly. KEIKO All right, sweetheart. We'll take you home. MOLLY-18 Maw-mee home Molly. The O'Briens can hardly believe the magnitude of the breakthrough that's been made. O'BRIEN Yes, Mommy and Daddy are going to take you home.