DEEP SPACE NINE: "Time's Orphan" - REV. 4/15/98 - ACT THREE 30. 41 O'BRIEN AND KEIKO as she sits down next to him, Keiko undoes the clip, allowing her hair to fall free. KEIKO Nerys said she could stay with Yoshi until your shift's over. Keiko takes a brush and begins running it through her hair. O'BRIEN Good. I've fallen behind on my repair schedule over the past few days. But Keiko's attention has been diverted to something else. KEIKO Miles... He turns to face the direction she's looking. There's Molly, standing not ten feet away -- somehow, she got down from the tree and approached them without being heard. She's staring intently at Keiko, who's frozen in mid- brush stroke. Keiko runs the brush the rest of the way through her hair, and this prompts a reaction from Molly. She opens her mouth as if to say something and extends her hand. Keiko and Miles exchange glances. Careful not to spook her, Keiko holds the brush out toward her. KEIKO Do you want the brush, Molly? You can have it. Molly steps closer, approaches the couch where her parents are sitting. 42 CLOSE - KEIKO'S HAND holding the brush. Molly's hand enters FRAME, but instead of snatching the brush away, it CLOSES over both the brush and Keiko's hand. 43 RESUME SCENE The two women lock eyes for a moment, then Molly slowly lowers herself down on the floor, pulling Keiko's hand to her hair.