DEEP SPACE NINE: "Time's Orphan" - REV. 4/15/98 - ACT THREE 29B. 39A CONTINUED: (2) DAX What are you talking about? WORF You are judging my fitness to be a parent. (before she can protest) Do not deny it, Jadzia. I can see it in your eyes. I have proven myself a worthy husband to you, but you are not convinced that I would be a good father to your children. DAX Who said anything about having children? Worf fixes her with a look. He knows he's right, and he doesn't want to argue the matter anymore. WORF Go to sleep. I have work to do. And with that, he heads out the door. Off Dax's face as she considers his words... 40 INT. CARGO BAY/SAFE ROOM - LATER Molly's asleep in the tree, curled up in a nook formed by two branches, her doll clutched to her chest. O'Brien's dozed off on the couch. Keiko ENTERS, her HAIR clipped back in a PONYTAIL. As she gets to the couch, O'Brien greets her with a yawn. O'BRIEN Hi. (indicating Molly) She went to sleep about an hour ago. KEIKO (marveling) How does she keep from falling? O'BRIEN Got me.