165:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Time's Orphan" - REV. 4/15/98 - ACT THREE 29A. 39A CONTINUED: WORF I fed him. DAX Did you read him a story? WORF I read him a story. DAX Did you sing to him? WORF Until my throat was raw. DAX Sounds like you tried everything. (starting to get out of bed) I'll take over from here. WORF That is not necessary. DAX You're exhausted, Worf. Get some sleep. WORF No. (with growing resolve) I am a Klingon warrior and a Starfleet officer. I've piloted Starships through Dominion minefields, I've stood in battle against Kelvans twice my size, I courted and won the heart of the magnificent Jadzia Dax. If I can do those things... then I can make this child sleep. He turns to head for the door. DAX Talk about losing perspective. Listen to yourself. Why is this babysitting thing so important to you all of a sudden? WORF It is not important to me, it is important to you.