DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 35. 50 CONTINUED: His lobes are smaller, more petite; his chest larger and more feminine; in short, Quark has been surgically altered to resemble a Ferengi female. ROM Brother, you look... beautiful. Quark starts WEEPING uncontrollably. BASHIR He's a little emotional... his endocrine system needs some time to adjust to its new hormonal balance. Quark WEEPS even harder. BASHIR He'll be all right in a few minutes. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go figure out how I'm going to enter this into my medical log. Bashir EXITS, leaving Zek, Rom and Maihar'du to stand there watching Quark weep. 50A CLOSE ON QUARK as he looks at his fellow Ferengi. When Quark speaks, his voice pitch wavers wildly -- from low to high and high to low. QUARK Does anyone have a handkerchief? Maihar'du tentatively hands him a handkerchief. Quark takes it gingerly and dabs his tears. QUARK Where are my clothes? I want to go back to my quarters. Zek nods to Maihar'du, who lifts up a gift box. ZEK Try this on. The Nagus opens the box and takes out a Ferengi dress which he holds up for Quark to see.