164:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 32. 46 CONTINUED: BRUNT (Cont'd) (to Zek) Of course, that's not going to do you much good. Nilva will be arriving tonight expecting to meet a "brilliant" Ferengi female. Do you know any -- I mean besides Ishka? I certainly don't. Zek tries to get up from his seat and lunge at Brunt, but Maihar'du holds him back. BRUNT How pitiful. One day you're the Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance, the next you're nothing but a common barroom brawler. (to Quark and Rom) See what happens when you put your faith in a female? And with that, Brunt and Uri'lash walk off. 47 ANGLE ON QUARK, ZEK AND ROM sinking into deeper depression. ROM What about Leeta? QUARK What about her? ROM Maybe she can meet with Nilva. She handles my finances and she's a female. ZEK And a very beautiful one at that. But Nilva's expecting to meet with a Ferengi female. QUARK We'll never get one here in time.