DEEP SPACE NINE: "Profit... " - REV. 3/25/98 - ACT TWO 22. 39 CONTINUED: ROM I don't suppose you're here to reminisce about the time you helped my brother and I rescue Moogie from the Dominion. BRUNT You're right. That's not why I'm here. (a malicious smile) Though I do find it ironic that helping to rescue your mother was the first step on my road to becoming Nagus. ISHKA Don't remind me. ZEK (to Brunt) I never should've given you your job back with t'he F.C.A. BRUNT (gleeful) But you did. And as a Liquidator, I was able to bribe my way back into a position of power. ROM (finally getting it) That is ironic. BRUNT Face it, Zek, it's over. You're finished. Bankrupt. (with finality) I'm going to liquidate you. Brunt turns to Maihar'du, still locked in a stare-down with Uri'lash. Quark shows up with an Eelwasser. BRUNT Cancel that Eelwasser and get me a Slug-o-Cola instead. (pointed) On second thought, I'll just wait for Chairman Nilva to get here. I'm sure he'll be happy to provide his new Nagus with all the Slug-o- Cola I can drink.