222:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 55. 76 CONTINUED: WINN I take it as a sign that I did the right thing. Kira can't believe what she's hearing -- KIRA You defied the will of the Prophets. And you did it because you couldn't stand the fact that a human, an infidel, had a stronger faith than you. The Emissary was willing to sacrifice his own son to serve the Prophets. Kira's struck a chord, but Winn refuses to show it. WINN My faith is as pure as the Emissary's. KIRA I think you're confusing faith with ambition. Winn has heard enough WINN I'm not confusing anything, child, you are. The Prophets chose you as their instrument, that doesn't mean you can speak for them. But Kira's on a roll -- if anything, her experience with the Prophets has given her clarity, and the courage to speak her mind. KIRA Because of your interference, the Reckoning was stopped. The Evil still exists. And I'm not sure even the Prophets know what that means for Bajor. For once, Winn is speechless. Her features falter as she realizes Kira's right. After a silent beat, she pulls her robes tighter and, mustering as much dignity as she can, EXITS through the airlock. Off Kira's thoughtful features, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END