DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 52. 74 CONTINUED: SISKO Can I see him? BASHIR For a minute. Sisko moves to the bio-bed room and hesitates briefly at the entrance. Jake lies on the bio-bed, covered with a BLANKET. His eyes are closed and he looks very weak. Sisko gazes at his son from just inside the doorway. He rubs his temples, feeling guilty but terribly glad that Jake's alive. After a beat, Jake senses his presence and looks over. JAKE Dad? Sisko takes a step forward. SISKO How're you feeling? Jake manages a smile. JAKE Could be worse. Sisko comes closer, wanting desperately to touch him, but feeling too guilty to do so. SISKO (trying to be upbeat) You'll be up and about in no time. A beat as Sisko looks for the right words, but can't find them. SISKO I don't know what to say. Jake extends a hand from beneath the covers. JAKE Say you're happy to see me. SISKO (talking his hand) You know I am. A pregnant silence as Sisko struggles to say what's weighing on his conscience.