DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 50. 66 CONTINUED: Just ahead of Dax and the Kai, a BAJORAN WOMAN is struggling with two SMALL CHILDREN. An ENERGY discharge snakes across a nearby bulkhead and the children recoil in fear. DAX (to the Kai) Go on ahead. Airlock Eight is to the right. Dax stops to help the woman as the Kai moves on -- DAX Let me help you. 67 THE KAI reaches the intersection. She pauses, turns to see if Dax is watching. A beat, then she makes a decision. She heads against traffic, away from the airlock. 67A EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) as a Runabout pulls away from DS9, a CRACKLE of energy snakes across the station's outer hull. 68 INT. PROMENADE (OPTICAL) as the station SHAKES around him, Sisko watches the battle between Kira and Jake. The PLASMA BALL is but a few feet from Jake now, defeat seems certain. 69 JAKE the LIGHT dances madly across his contorted features. His face trembles with effort. BLOOD begins to trickle from the corner of one eye -- it looks as if his head is about to explode. 70 SISKO (OPTICAL) Sisko watches, helpless, conflicted -- crushed by the sacrifice he's been asked to make. Suddenly we hear the SOUND of some station system engaging and the entire Promenade is BATHED in a BLUE LIGHT. Kira and Jake both react with alarm, look around as if some new danger threatens them both.