DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 49. 61 CONTINUED: (2) WINN Come, child. We must go. Dax reluctantly allows herself to be pulled away. They move to the AIRLOCK, and as they step inside -- 62 THE KAI pauses to look back at Sisko. She realizes that despite a lifetime of study and devotion, she will never have the faith of this man... and she hates him for it. A beat, then she turns away. 63 SISKO watches Jake, anguished but determined to remain faithful to the will of the Prophets. 64 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Dax and the Kai move quickly down the passageway. Dax hits her combadge. DAX Dax to Worf. INTERCUT WITH: 65 INT. OPS Worf stands near the console Dax indicated earlier, ready to activate the chroniton generator. The station SHAKES. WORF Go ahead. A console in the background SPARKS. DAX Meet me at Airlock Eight. We're leaving. Off Worf's face as he reacts to the realization that Dax failed to convince Sisko to change his mind.