DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FIVE 46. 47 CONTINUED: The TENDRILS begin to COALESCE at a point a few inches away from their respective bodies, then LANCE away, forming COLUMNS of energy that SMASH into each other at a point mid-way between the combatants. 48 SISKO LIGHT plays on his features as he reacts to this sight. He squints against the WINDS being whipped up by the battle taking place in front of him. 49 KIRA AND JAKE (OPTICAL) A MASS OF ROILING ENERGY has formed where the two columns of energy meet. From the combatants' straining faces we can see that they're engaged in some colossal battle of metaphysical wills -- the energy mass shifts slightly toward Kira, but with an intense effort, she shifts it back toward Jake. 50 SISKO looks on in horror, fearing for his son's life. Around him, LIGHTS EXPLODE and SPARK. 51 KIRA AND JAKE (OPTICAL) increase the pressure, sending additional PULSES of energy at each other. When the pulses collide in the middle, the PLASMA BALL between them EXPANDS and kicks off energy FLARES that slam into surrounding parts of the station, showering SPARKS and causing the ground to SHAKE. 52 KIRA her features strained, but her eyes confident. 53 JAKE as his face begins to tremble with effort. 54 KIRA AND JAKE (OPTICAL) More FLARES split off from the mass of roiling energy between them, SLAMMING into surrounding parts of the station, showering SPARKS and SHAKING the ground.