DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT FOUR 39. 36 CONTINUED: (3) ODO I know how important her faith is to her. I have no doubt she'd allow the Prophets to use her as their instrument. A moment of silence as they all realize this is true. Sisko gives the order -- SISKO I'll notify Starfleet that we're abandoning the station. Begin the evacuation immediately. Worf activates a console and the station goes to RED ALERT. Sisko heads for his office. Our people watch him go, and we can tell they're not happy about the Captain's decision. 37 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) a few SHIPS pull away from the station. 38 INT. AIRLOCK A Bajoran TRANSPORT is visible down the passageway, its hatch opened to receive the collection of N.D. RESIDENTS moving toward it. They're carrying what few PERSONAL POSSESSIONS they could grab on their way out. A troubled Odo counts them to himself as they go by. Worf ENTERS with a small knot of EVACUEES in tow -- WORF Is this transport full? ODO There's room. Worf waves his passengers aboard -- ODO I'm going to check the Promenade for stragglers. WORF (stopping him) Odo... Worf considers whether to say what's on is mind -- WORF You should've helped us persuade the captain to end this.